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My 15 Favorite Movies to Watch During Halloween

Richard of writes "We are less than two weeks away from one of my favorite holidays of the year: Halloween. The night we celebrate the spooky and the weird, the scary and macabre and let ourselves in the joy and thrill of asking complete strangers for candy to fill our bellies with as we parade around in scary and gory or sexy and skimpy costumes that we wouldn’t be caught dead in the rest of the year. Unless you’re a cosplayer, then you get to dress up all year long. But for most of us, this is the one day a year that we get to play dress up.

And aside from playing dress up, we get to play the scary card, we get to get spooky and no one can really question it. To set the mood, what better way than doing so than with a few movies here and there that really get the Halloween spirit into full swing? Whether it be a fun and witty animated feature the whole family can get into or an action film that evokes the feel and drear the holiday is known for or even the chilling horror movie that really brings the scares and gore to the night, the following list of films are my favorites that I feel really set the mood for the holiday and get me into Halloween spirit. So take a look and enjoy; maybe you might find a new film to add to your Halloween movie watching experience."

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RetrospectRealm3162d ago

Some very strange choices there... glad the original Halloween is at least on this.

Arcee3161d ago

It's kinda funny; I never would have selected "family" or action films for Halloween before, but my taste have changed over the years. Even some of the quirkier horror movies have begun to find their way into my Halloween rotation. But I still love the classic horror films for this time of the year.


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