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Mr. Robot: “eps1.6_v1ew-s0urce.flv” Review - AVClub

AVClub: Elliot, when he returns to Krista Gordon at the end of “v1ew-s0urce.flv”, thinks he’s doing her a favor. She thought she wanted to hear the truth from him, but when she’s confronted by it—both what Elliot knows about her, and what it says about who she is—it’s a terrible blow. Perhaps Elliot thinks this will be a learning experience for her, teaching her that she doesn’t actually want the truth. That, in fact, no one does. Elliot’s not cruel, not really, so it’s possible he thinks a dose of hard reality will actually do her some good, by jarring her out of the sad banalities of her current situation. Maybe it’s as he reasons earlier in the episode, when Gideon tells him he needs someone with whom he can be himself: A view-source for people would be a disaster. After all, Elliot learns hidden truths about people all the time, and he couldn’t be lonelier. The truth never does anyone any good.


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