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Behold Uwe Boll's Epic Meltdown ***NSFW***


Movie director Uwe Boll has released a couple of YouTube videos lamenting the failure of his third crowdfunding campaign.

Boll's rants are full of swear words and language that is definitely NFSW, so if you do opt to watch then be sure to do so with headphones!

Crazay3334d ago

....And..... Scene.

Ok - well done Uwe. You're movies are crap and you're kinda a douchebag but you were still making films... Looks like you just burned that last bridge right down to the ground...

Stay well and enjoy your golfing until you die. Thankfully we won't be seeing any more of your horrific movies.

-Foxtrot3334d ago

He goes on to say

"t looks like no one gives a s*** about Rampage 3 so maybe I shouldn't do it then"

Urmm....yeah because you'll f*** it up like you have with the other films.

I don' get why video game films are so hard to do, follow the source material and you'll be fine.

Dasteru3333d ago (Edited 3333d ago )

"I don' get why video game films are so hard to do, follow the source material and you'll be fine."

Video game stories just do not match up to movie stories. 99.9% of video game inspired movies would end up as unwatchable garbage if they followed the games script accurately. The remaining .1% would wind up as B-movies at best.

Edit: I admit there are a few games that could make good movies but they are few and far between. I can think of maybe 10 out of every game ever made. As good as alot of games stories may seem in the game, they would have a hard time holding up in film format. Interactivity plays a big part in how we perceive stories. The fact that most games follow a primary character very closely through every moment of the story while movies tend to jump back and forth between different scenes and characters at different times would break apart most game stories without some major alterations.

Infamous i cannot see how it would work other than as a "found footage" or bystander perspective type deal.

Uncharted would most likely turn into an Indiana Jones ripoff and even then it doesn't have nearly as much context as the Indiana jones films. It would need heavy script changes/additions.

Alan Wake i haven't got around to yet, so i couldn't really say.

-Foxtrot3333d ago

I have to disagree, there's a lot of shit that gets made in Hollywood and there's been more video game stories recently which have impressed me more then films.

Infamous would make a good story with it's cool twist

Uncharted - Speaks for it's self

Alan Wake would make a nice story although I think it would be better as a TV series on Netflix.


Let's Talk - A Conversation With UWE BOLL!

In this episode of Let's Talk - we have a conversation with UWE BOLL!Want to keep this channel alive?

Avalanche661219d ago

This was great. I have a new found respect for uwe!

1218d ago
1218d ago
TheHergulaX1214d ago

Uwe Boll is special, but that's why he's entertaining!


'The Market is Dead': Schlock Director Uwe Boll’s Rampage of Terrible Films is Finished


He earned the nickname The Raging Boll after challenging his worst critics a “put up or shut up” boxing match.

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WizzroSupreme2830d ago

What a pity. And now we'll have to find another punching bag of a director to criticize.

-Foxtrot2829d ago't.. .come back



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