Remember little Micah Sanders, son of Niki and D.L. on the original Heroes series? A bit of a real rebel?
The actor who played him, Noah Gray-Cabey, is 19 years old now… and we have now gotten confirmation from NBC that he is returning for the limited series Heroes Reborn, which will air Thursdays this Fall on the network.
Back in Action Review: All in all, this movie is a somewhat disappointingly missed opportunity that never really capitalises on its potential, leaving the viewer with little to remember when the credits roll.
The latest Star Wars live-action series has wrapped up and the nerds at RPadTV are here to have a nerdy discussion about Star Wars: Skeleton Crew. Joining host Raymond Padilla are videogame journalist Paul Semel and Turtle Beach’s MacLean Marshall. The three will discuss what they liked and didn’t like about Star Wars: Skeleton Crew in a review video full of treasure, whimsy, and mayhem (or maybe two of those things).
Discussion topics include what the three thought about the mystery of At Attin, comparisons to The Goonies, how the show fits in with other Star Wars projects, the child actors, Jude Law’s mysterious character, and why the show resonates with some fans while leaving others flat.
Lovers Anonymous Review: This series reminds us that every concept—even one as extraordinary as this—requires a great story to really connect.
Ugh really? Thought his character sucked.
No Petrellis, no Clairebear, no Sylar, no Ali Larter (I believe there was a 3rd "sister" named Barbara who we never seen)
Not sure if Ando is confirmed, but he was bloody annoyin anyway. Can't remember what happened to Parkman or peado Doyle.
Needed at least one Petrelli, maybe Angela as she was full of dark secrets, though she always managed to get out of a pickle by the skin of her knickers. Her character was great.
I liked Arthur. Total badass and could easily have survived a bullet to the face. And I miss all the oldies like Bob, Linderman, Hiros dad, Parkmans dad. But they all bloody dead lol
I just hope that it doesn't suck and I hope they got a decent budget to work with.
Save the cheerlea... No, nevermind.