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Late Show with David Letterman Finale Review - IGN

IGN: After 33 active years and over 6,000 broadcasts, David Letterman has retired from the Late Show and television. Over the last couple weeks, the late-night host has seen some big names visit one last time, including Bill Clinton, Howard Stern, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey. It's been an emotional ride for many, even tear-filled for some. Tonight, however, marked Dave's very last episode on the CBS program, which will usher in a new host, Stephen Colbert, come September.

Soldierone3310d ago

I only watched because Conan lead us into it and had a lame guest anyways lol

Then I remembered why I didn't watch Letterman anymore. He had me giggle a few times by making fun of himself, but overall it was like he didn't really care to be there. His show was good about 10 years ago.


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