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Justified: Series Finale Review - IGN

IGN: Wow.
Let's start with the obvious: I loved the ol' switcheroo. Raylan's hat flying off with a bullet hole in it was a nice touch and there was just enough hint over the final season that Raylan could die. But the characters changed, grew, and morphed, and Raylan was the ultimate embodiment of that. If he had died, yes, it would've showed just how he had changed - that he had aged or that he wasn't as quick on the draw. The tiny breadcrumb interactions, with Boon being the aggressor and Raylan not as quick on the comebacks, led us to believe this was a possibility. Darrell Scott's cover original version of "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive" forebode a terrible ending for Raylan. (Small side note, I'm still a little miffed they never used Patty Loveless's version).


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