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5 Reasons Why Monsters Is An Underrated Classic

WOW247: "Each Monday, film fan and champion of the downtrodden Jordan Sims picks out an overlooked gem – and gives them the spotlight they so dearly deserve.

"This week, it’s the turn of low-budget creature feature Monsters. Here are five unconventional reasons why it’s an underrated classic."

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Soldierone3629d ago

For a while I defended it because yeah it was low budget and yeah it was indie, but then he came and made the same mistakes with Godzilla so it wasn't the budgets fault. Plus look at what people do for simple Youtube videos and such, visuals are not that challenging today.

Personally I thought the movie was boring as heck. I think we actually had to attempt to watch it twice because we fell asleep.

My girlfriend still gets angry at me for making her watch it with me lol. Every time we debate on a movie "you made me sit through Monsters" haha


The Untold Truth Of Wolf Man's Creators

Among Universal Studios' classic movie monsters, the Wolf Man is unique. Unlike Dracula, Fran kenstein, the Invisible Man, and the Phantom of the Opera, The Wolf Man isn't based on a work of classic literature. However, the tragic tale of Larry Talbot (Lon Chaney Jr.) and his endless search to free himself of his werewolf curse is so compelling that it has influenced many popular perceptions of werewolves.


Hollywood Matrimony: Universal Classic Monsters Complete Film Collection Review

Hollywood Matrimony provides you up to the moment movie reviews, TV reviews, and keeps you updated on upcoming Blu-Ray and DVD releases.

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A Quiet Place Review - Silence Is Your Best Friend

A Quiet Place, directed by John Krasinski, tells the story of a family living in a world overrun by monsters. The only way to survive? Keep quiet. And just like that, A Quiet Place slowly crawls up to be yet another sleeper hit, instantly reminding us what a great time it is to be at the movies.

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