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Samsung Reveals Incredible Avengers Tech


Marvel Entertainment's global partnership with Samsung is starting to bear geekily awesome fruit.

At Samsung's 'Night with Marvel' event at CES this evening, the tech giant unveiled a selection of hardware inspired by Marvel's The Avengers. Although some of this tech - the Galaxy Note Edge, for example - is available to the everyday consumer, stuff like the 100% see through (!) smartphone and Tony Stark's 'device' are currently only available to 'members of the Avengers'. Check out the full display in the gallery below.


Avengers Postgame - What Have They Been Up To?

It's been a year since Avengers: Endgame soared into theatres. Let's take a stroll down memory lane and check out what the cast members have been up to in the year after the release of Endgame.

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Scarlett Johansson Accidentally Calls The MCU's Hulk A Mutant

In an interview to promote Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson accidentally refers to the MCU's Hulk as a mutant, a term reserved for the X-Men.

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Avengers: Age of Ultron's Captain Marvel Stand-In Revealed In New Image

A closer look at Captain Marvel stand-in for Avengers: Age of Ultron when she was originally planned to debut in the film is released online.

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