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Minorities In Film And Casting Controversies: The Right Person For The Right Job?

Flickering Myth

I do think talent should be prised above all, however if this means that a person who has had to fight more oppression to attain their position is swept aside for someone more marketable and who has had many more opportunities available to them then that’s wrong. No, I don’t think women and racial minorities should be used as token or gimmicks however these examples from the past 12 months only serve to demonstrate that good talent is obviously going unnoticed because every time a chance for an underrepresented minority arises they are either cast aside, as with Exodus, or their status is questioned under the pretence of political correctness, as with MacLaren. The representation of women and racial minorities is never going to change unless when the chances for it to are taken and promoted instead of being broken down and dismissed by cynics.

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RetrospectRealm3463d ago

There wasn't a problem when a "nobody" took the reigns of Guardians because the Guardians title was a "nobody" itself.

MacLaren was quite obviously picked mainly because she is a woman. DC was shopping through the best women directors and picked her. And to be honest, MacLaren is nowhere as much of a nobody as Gunnm was. MacLaren has directed some of Breaking Bad and Walking Dead's best episodes yet.

Defectiv3_Detectiv33463d ago

When you consider that Wonder Woman was originally conceived by a feminist it makes sense that a woman should be directing the movie.

Stringerbell3463d ago (Edited 3463d ago )

I dont get the whole nonsense over this Gods & Kings. I'm going to come out and say this- its mythology! This in all actuality never happened!

Now to play devils advocate if you are of the mind that a man commanded an ocean to separate and made it rain insects then I can understand (a smidgen mind you) why you may take issue with the colour of the actors in the film.

On a side note I am for actual representation of historical figures key word being historical.

coolbeans3462d ago

You're looking at this from a different intention than (most) others who keep bringing it up. It's not about keeping it accurate because of whether or not it's true but rather a cultural response by critics in regards to job opportunities and the troublesome cultural history Hollywood's has had when it comes to "whitewashing."

Stringerbell3462d ago

When you put it that way it makes I guess I had a myopic view of it all.

coolbeans3462d ago

Given the mixed messages, from Egypt's response and other voices, I can understand why you thought it solely through that lens initially. This is one that depends on who(m) you're hearing the complaints from and what they're all about.

Stringerbell3462d ago

I guess so. Interestingly enough when Soctt directed Kingdom of Heaven (which happens to be my favourite film of all time) it was warmly received throughout the Middle East. Because it went against the points you previously brought up.

longcat3462d ago

It may have been crudely xplined, but really, you can't take the risk to cast unknowns in a high budget movie. It certainly did not work out for Netflix and Marco POlo


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