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Christian Bale Says The Dark Knight Rises Ending Was Not A Dream

Christian Bale himself confirmed that the film’s final scene was not a dream, hoax, or hallucination. When Alfred sees Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle sitting in a European cafe, it was the film's literal confirmation that Bruce Wayne had survived his voyage out to sea in the film’s climax.

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WizzroSupreme3714d ago

If Batman says so, then I guess that's that. But why on earth would Bruce Wayne, one of the most famous people in the world, hide out in plain sight in a café in an age of iPhones? His face would be all over the Internet in ten minutes. *tsk tsk* Sloppy, Mr. Wayne.

sjaakiejj3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

"one of the most famous people in the world"

*one of the most famous people in Gotham or perhaps America

Think about it, would you really recognize some rich dude from Europe if he was standing in front of your doorstep? Unless he plays in films that you watch, TV series that you watch or music that you listen to, the answer is probably 'no'. On top of that, nobody's looking for you when you're dead, so anyone that would have recognized him would have assumed they were mistaking him for someone else.

04roacht3713d ago

I doubt you would. There are plenty of billionaire and millionaire playboys who you probably wouldn't recognise if you saw them.

Derekvinyard133714d ago

I don't really think this needed confirmation, was pretty obvious

04roacht3713d ago

Well enough people said it was all in his head. I always thought it was real.


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