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IGN Sons of Anarchy: "The Separation of Crows" Review

With last week ending on a grisly note, the first order of business for SAMCRO in “The Separation of Crows” was to focus on finding Bobby. But while they waited for information to pan out, they also got back to the business of finding out who had betrayed them to Henry Lin. Although Bobby was obviously the more urgent issue, it was good to see the show get back to the Lin plot point.

After several missteps with Lin and Marks that had disastrous results, it was understandable that the episode opened with Jax in a somber mood, sitting pensively up on a rooftop alone. The scene was reminiscent of the Jax from earlier seasons, when he would spend time reading his father’s journals on the roof. It was a nice setup for the later conversation with Jury when JT’s writing came up again. Plus, it was refreshing to see a less cocky Jax. He’d been reckless lately and now had good reason to question his actions.

alycakes3517d ago

This gets more complicated every week and Jax gets in deeper and deeper with more kills under his belt. I wonder what's going to happen to him when he finds out that his own mom killed Tara and all those kills were for wrong.


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