From Slashfilm:
Though Zack Snyder wowed San Diego Comic-Con earlier this summer with footage from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, fans were expecting something else. They were expecting an outline of what Warner Bros. has in store for their DC Comics movies over the next few years. Instead, a version of that announcement came a few weeks later when the company announced release dates for nine upcoming DC Comics movies. Unfortunately, those dates were all for untitled films.
If we’re to believe the wonderful world of domain registration, those titles should be coming soon. Warner Bros. just registered websites for four DC Comics movies we’re all been pretty sure are coming: Justice League, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam.
Hot take: You can love both. Yep, it’s not illegal. No need to pick sides, people—your heart’s big enough!
Show fangs for what the Twilight cast has been up to after Breaking Dawn.
The McCallisters in Home Alone might be the worst parents of all time.