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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Expands Through 2019

Marvel: The Marvel Cinematic Universe has continued to grow every year since it began in 2008 with Marvel's "Iron Man," and now we've got the dates for five more films coming your way through 2019!

RetrospectRealm3821d ago

I didn't know if I should create generic tags for "Untitled Marvel 2017 Film", "2nd Untitled Marvel 2017 Film", Untitled Marvel 2018 Film" and so on, but if I should, just report and let me know.

-Foxtrot3821d ago (Edited 3821d ago )

Seven unnanounced titles

There will be...

Thor 3
Avengers 3
Doctor Strange

Which leave four left

Black Widow
The Wasp
Black Panther

My guesses anyway, I would of said a sequel to Guardians of the Galaxy or Ant Man but Marvel wouldn't consider a sequel without seeing how the first films do.

iamnsuperman3820d ago

I have a feeling (depending how it does) they will push another guardians of the Galaxy out quite quickly. Currently I think it is a safe bet it will do well.

amiga-man3819d ago

A proper Silver Surfer film (not that crap in the Fantastic Four) I have been waiting for that film pretty much all my life.

mechlord3819d ago

I think Marvel doent have the rights for Silver Surfer, same way they dont have Spiderman's.
Would totally love to see silver surfer again. He is my all time hero.

Simon_Brezhnev3819d ago

We never getting a Black Panther movie. Disney will be damn they do a movie on a Black king doing good.

Porcelain_Chicken3820d ago

Announce that Black Panther movie, and my hard earned cash is yours Marvel.

UltraNova3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

From Wikipedia:

"...grants him superhumanly acute senses and increases his strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, and agility to Olympic-levels."

We have 5 spiderman movies to keep you going until then dude... I mean the black panther is essentially spiderman with a black suit and a different story...

OT: If the marvel unverse was cow it would die from acute milkinitiasis...just saying...

Simon_Brezhnev3819d ago

He is not a damn spider-man clone. He is smarter in all ways. Plus he's not not a brat telling lame jokes and doesnt really climb walls. He rarely uses them acute scenes. Think him more of a captain america clone but a genious without a serum.

Porcelain_Chicken3819d ago

Similar abilities I know but not really the same thing but, ok... And LoL and the disagrees!!! do people hate Black Panther or something? xD

WizzroSupreme3820d ago

That's going to be a rocking good 5 years if a great solo Hulk film is in there with Black Panther. World War Hulk anyone?

5upreMe3819d ago

I do not get why people want a fucking hulk movie... he is not a great "hero" and it wasn't and will not be a good fucking movie... hulk = brainless (Unless he is in the avengers, then he somehow got more brain or atleast focus towards the bad guys) either way, Unless they make hulk actually has the same brain as when he is just human and they make him some equal enemies etc. the movies will suck as shit.

RetrospectRealm3819d ago

Hulk was pretty damn cool in The Avengers dude. If they do it the same way, it'll be A-Ok with me.

dota2champion3819d ago

I want to see hulk in a solo film smashing things.

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