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Star Wars Original Cast Looked 'A Little Melted' For Episode VII

Guardian: The survivors of the original cast of Star Wars looked "a little melted" when they reassembled this month to begin work on Episode VII, according to the actor Carrie Fisher, the once and future Princess Leia.

The film, set 30 years after Return of the Jedi, and intended to be the first of three, will reunite Fisher with Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker respectively.

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TheSaint3861d ago

"When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good, you will not."

3-4-53860d ago

More Harrison Ford = Win

johny53861d ago

The one thing good I can say about the prequels is, these sequels with Ford, Hamill and Fisher would have never happened if they where successful!

GenericNameHere3860d ago

The prequels were successful. Financially, it made over $2B total in box office sales, whereas the original trilogy only made over $1B. Critically, EP I and II did 57% and 67% respectively, but EP III did 80%, 2% more than EP VI's 78%.

fr0sty3860d ago

You really can't directly compare box office amounts when you factor in that a movie ticket costs 2-3x as much today as it did when those films were released.

Clarence3860d ago

The prequels made more because movie tickets are more expensive now versus in the 70s.
Star Wars budget 11m, box office 775m.

johny53860d ago (Edited 3860d ago )

I guess you really didn't understand me?

What I meant to say was, the movies themselves where successful "financially" but since Lucas angered a lot of fans with the changes in mythology "Han shot first" and characters "Jar, Jar" he couldn't completely capitalize on the craze like the first three movies!

He may not have sold it off to Disney if the prequels where given legend status like the originals.

Knowing him, he would have made these sequels himself if he knew he could make another 3 billion per movie and make a much better investment then what he sold to Disney!

Rute3860d ago

But they were succesful.

blue_cheese3860d ago

can't tell if that's Carrie Fischer or Hillary Clinton..


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