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Sand & Snow: A Game of Thrones Podcast S4E6 "The Laws of Gods and Men"

Sand & Snow is a Game of Thrones podcast covering all the weekly happenings in the world of Westeros and beyond! Hyle Snow is a film major who exclusively enjoys Game of Thrones through the HBO television series. Jade Sand is a science major who has also read all of the books in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. Together they gather to discuss and review the latest episode while also comparing it with the books, with their own brand of insight and speculation.

This week: Dani finds that it ain't easy being queen; Stannis applies for a bank loan; and Peter Dinklage wins another Emmy.

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SteWago3802d ago

A lot of fun! Great work guys.

LocumSelf3802d ago

I look forward to the final battle of the dragons vs. the titan of Braavos farts.

NotALemon3802d ago

I really hope Oberyn is picked for the trial by combat!

problemchild843802d ago

Well you sir are in for a surprise...

Shaughnessy3802d ago

Cersei deserves to die at the end of this. I hate her so much!!


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