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Sinister Six Movie: Who Will Be The Stars?

CB: One of the strangest things about the fact that Sony has announced plans to make a feature film based on the Spider-Man villains known as the Sinister Six is, of course, that there are fewer than six Spider-Man villains currently appearing in The Amazing Spider-Man franchise.

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Soldierone3842d ago

Really hope they don't go with the Ultimate stories to create this.....

aDDicteD3837d ago

the best choice is always go with the original members: doc ock, vulture, kraven, mysterio, sandman, and electro, however, since they already made rhino and lizard maybe they will change the line up a little but whatever line up it should be doc octopus must be in it as a primary member. other villains such as goblin and venom would not be good choices since they were never in the sinister 6 line up in any comics.


Why The Amazing Spider-Man 3 Should Still Happen

Should Andrew Garfield get one more chance as Spider-Man?

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Why Andrew Garfield Is Happy 'Spider-Man 3' Never Happened

We talk to Andrew Garfield about whether he's bummed he never got to do another 'Spider-Man' movie.

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2pacalypsenow2798d ago

Pretty low how he trash talked the movie that made him famous.

SarcasticDuck2798d ago

if you read this, you will notice he only says he's happy the character is being better portrayed and is finally in the MCU and he's happy because he couldnt be doing the movie he's doing right now if Spiderman 3 happened.

Specter2292798d ago

I don't think any of them read it.

2pacalypsenow2797d ago

Not talking about this interview but the one he had after the movie released which lost him the job.

acemonkey2798d ago

shit he was upset whenhe got release now his like that lol...he wasnt spiderman anyways

attilayavuzer2798d ago

Correct headline

"Andrew Garfield Appreciates His Time Spent Playing Spider-Man; Excited About Upcoming Projects"

GrimDragon2798d ago

He was a morbid depressed Spider-Man anyway and sucked. I'd rather watch Tobey cry.

Silly Mammo2797d ago

But would you rather watch Tobey dance? That's the real question.

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Marc Webb Wanted Venom In The Amazing Spider-Man 3

CB: For the first time since being ousted from Spider-Man, director Marc Webb discusses the newest Spider-Man director Jon Watts and what he would've done with The Amazing Spider-Man 3 if Sony hadn't rebooted Spidey.

Webb expressed his excitement for seeing Spidey joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe and giving his endorsement to the director that will helm Marvel's new take on Spidey. "Jon Watts who is directing it, I knew him from the old music video days," Webb told MTV. "He had done some really fantastic music videos. It's super-exciting and you know, it's sad a little bit to surrender that in a way but it as it must be, I guess."

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04roacht3271d ago

I wouldn't have wanted to have seen Venom again.

Benchm4rk3267d ago

Still mad i wont get to see TASM3. I really enjoyed the first 2. I dont understand why they couldn't make it. Andrew Garfield was awesome as Peter Parker/Spidey

aDDicteD3264d ago

apparently amazing spiderman 3 will not happen anymore because of the failure of the second installment.

andrew garfield did good as spiderman but when marvel took over it meant the end of this franchise which is 2/3 complete and again this will all be rebooted over again.