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Family Guy Bring Back Brian Petition Beats Remove Ben Affleck As Batman Petition

CB: It’s official. The monkey is now off Ben Affleck’s back. More fans are upset over Family Guy killing off Brian Griffin than they are over Ben Affleck being cast as Batman.

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TheHergulaX4053d ago

The petitions are still quite different, on one side we have people acting quite immature, making a petition to remove a brilliant actor from a very fitting role, Ben Affleck as Batman.

And on the other side we have a petition to revive, or somehow bring back, one of the central characters in a television show that is incredibly well known.

All in all, I am not surprised to see the Brian petition get more signatures.

-Foxtrot4053d ago

"making a petition to remove a brilliant actor from a very fitting role"

Brilliant...not really

Fitting, quite the opposite

Sorry but Ben Affleck should not be Batman, the only reason they got him is because they wanted to plaster an Oscar winners name across advertising.

The first thing you'll see is "Ben Affleck from the OSCAR winning ARGO as Batman"

Zack Synder wanted Josh Brolin aswell, someone who even most fans think is more fitting but higher ups wanted Ben.

It makes no sense that the director can't even have an input in his own film.

Scrivlar4052d ago

Why can't we just wait until we see the film to decide how Ben Affleck does as Batman. People were absolutely furious and disgusted when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker so surely we can learn something from that.

coolbeans4052d ago

"Sorry but Ben Affleck should not be Batman, the only reason they got him is because they wanted to plaster an Oscar winners name across advertising."

Even though his recent popularity is certainly why he was given the role, I don't see how that should make him 'not worthy of being Batman' because reasons. In each of his recently-directed roles, he's able to nail that brooding, high-tension attitude just perfectly; not only that, he's displayed great range from drama to comedy.

And with a horde of fans clamoring for a bit more levity from the darker, Nolan-y vision of Man of Steel, how does someone who's accomplished that before seem unfitting?

-Foxtrot4052d ago

Why do people alwaye bring up Heath Ledger, it wasn't that bad and the only reason people didnt want him is because of Brokeback Mountain

Oh and no we can't wait untill the films out because if we are right and he does suck then game over...its too late to do anything.


"recently-directed roles,he's ableto nailthat brooding, high-tension attitude just perfectly; not only that, he's displayed great range from drama to comedy."

Sorry but I highly disagree with you there, Ben just cant do that at all especialy for Batman, he dosent fit Batman or Bruce.

As I've said he was only picked for marketing, if they picked someone like Josh Brolin then they wouldnt of had that as well as Ben

Soldierone4052d ago

@above, I don't think he was "given" the role at all. He was talking with WB to be a part of it for years. He wanted to do anything from writing it to directing to acting. Its like WB finally went "fine, star as Batman" and him and Kevin Smith did an epic fist pump lol

DarkBlood4052d ago

"Why do people alwaye bring up Heath Ledger, it wasn't that bad and the only reason people didnt want him is because of Brokeback Mountain"

Why do people alwaye bring up Ben Affleck, it wasn't that bad and the only reason people didnt want him is because of DareDevil

do you see the flaw in the arguement for not wanting ben as batman?

ProjectVulcan4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

Ben Affleck as Batman lol

Who can play Robin?

Matt Damon? lol

TheHergulaX4052d ago

Why are you talking about Ben Affleck as Batman thing? I made an example of how different the two petitions are. The "Ben Affleck Does Not Fit As Batman" arguements were done months and months ago. I won't go into it again.

coolbeans4052d ago

"Sorry but I highly disagree with you there, Ben just cant do that at all especialy for Batman, he dosent fit Batman or Bruce."

But that's what I'm trying to say: his filmography shows he's been great, or at least competent, in action, drama, and even comedy films.

And he's a buff white guy with the right chin--the only physical requirements for Batman, so he physically does fit.

ChrisW4051d ago

After tolerating Christian Bale's Batman... Anyone would be appreciated as Batman, even Peewee Herman!

calis4049d ago

"Why do people alwaye bring up Heath Ledger, it wasn't that bad and the only reason people didnt want him is because of Brokeback Mountain"

No they didn't want him because he was one of the hollywood pretty boys who wouldn't suit a role as a bad guy.

"Oh and no we can't wait untill the films out because if we are right and he does suck then game over...its too late to do anything. "

It's too late to do anything now. He's been cast.

Get over it and hope for the best.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4049d ago
blackmanone4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

I don't care if he's Batman or not, really, but let's not throw the word "brilliant" around haphazardly.

If everyone is special then no one truly is.

MajorGecko4052d ago

for once the n4g disagrees are accurate

TheHergulaX4052d ago

This is FilmWatch, N4G is a Newsboiler sub-site.

MajorGecko4052d ago

same agree/disagree mentality

yeahokchief4051d ago

It's not a reaction to Affleck himself, but to the practice of putting a Hollywood actor in the role as opposed to a lesser known actor who would do a better job suspending disbelief in the role and working hard with the part.

Affleck has already been Daredevil and a few other super heroes and he did a lousy job before. There's no reason to think this next one will be any different.

KwietStorm_BLM4051d ago

A brilliant what? Lol whoa there.

Benchm4rk4051d ago

Sorry but did you not see Daredevil. No way can Ben affleck pull off a super hero role

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4049d ago
Soldierone4052d ago

My bet is Stewie will do something to time travel and prevent him from dying. They will do something to bring him back, its the oldest trick in the books. Kill off character, let people go nuts, when the craziness dies off bring the character back to make headlines again.

SilentNegotiator4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

We all know he's coming back. Seth wouldn't have a show if he didn't have a super-partisan liberal mouthpiece character to play....I mean, "common sense" character....right...

iliimaster4052d ago

seeing ben afflack play batman when hes not in costume is going to be the worst my stomach turns at the thought.. might as well have justin timberlake play batman whats the difference

Deadpoolio4052d ago

Wow must have a pretty pathetic life living in mommy's basement if the worst stomach turning thought you have is Ben Affleck playing Batman....Well not actually it's not pretty pathetic it's extremely pathetic

iliimaster4051d ago

lol r u serious deadpoo ? where are you staying in your mamas attic casting judgement on peoples opinions? trolling message boards to stick it to people you deem inferior? go practice falling down then come back and let me know how it went. or simply put your love for ben afflack runs deeper than any normal person would like to admit..

KwietStorm_BLM4051d ago

So you really took what he said literally? Is Ben your life partner or something?

TheSaint4052d ago

It's Seth MacFaranes show so it's up to him what he does with it, I like Vinny the new dog and just like Quagmire I wasn't a huge fan of Brian anyway.

Jonnyquest3214052d ago

People still watch Family guy?!

MidnytRain4052d ago

Can't tell if this was a soulful decision... or the creators getting bored of their own character and deciding to kill him off and replace him to revive an unfunny show that's been falling in ratings for the past several years.

Section84051d ago

Sure beats the simpsons, futurerama and bob's fucking burgers. C'mon man.

Jonnyquest3214051d ago

Futurama isn't on anymore, and fair enough it beats new Simpsons but I'm sticking to classic Simpsons, even now there's jokes that I missed when watching when I was younger

calis4049d ago

Well The Simpsons smashed FG in ratings so you're in the minority there.

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