MTV: Back in the pre-J.J. Abrams days of "Star Wars: Episode VII" rumors, there was a small item floating around that when Matthew Vaughn was up for the job, according to /Film, he pitched a female-centric story with "Kick-Ass 2" star Chloë Grace Moretz in the lead.
Don’t sit on a throne of lies for day 11 of Romancemas.
This past year delivered blockbuster entertainment, but we have a few requests for 2025 if jolly ol’ Saint Nick obliges.
BD: "Without further ado, here are the top fifteen best horror movies of 2024."
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I imagine that most people would kill for such an opportunity.
Get in line with about everyone else in Hollywood.
it would be unlikely, they might cast an unknown actress to give episode 7 a fresh start but i wont be surprised if she gets any role in the film because chloe is a proven actress and starred in solid films.