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Christian Bale Says He Won't Be Batman in 'Justice League' Movie

EW: We already knew that Christian Bale probably wasn’t going to show up as Batman in the upcoming Justice League movie, the Avengers-style supergroup of DC heroes. First, Bale said that he wouldn’t do another Batman movie unless Nolan opted for a fourth Dark Knight chapter, which Nolan says isn’t happening. Then Man of Steel and Dark Knight screenwriter David S. Goyer confirmed that the Justice League’s Batman would be a rebooted character. So that pretty much closed the book.

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alycakes4239d ago

I think that he's smart not to be in Justice League. He's built the Batman he wanted to be now it's time for him to move on to other things.

LtSkittles4239d ago

I'm sick of this rumor. Why would he be in the Justice League movie? Bruce moved on, and changed his name.

Joseph Gordon Levitt would be the new Batman(not Nightwing), and the other problem is those movies were meant to be in their own universe, and grounded.

MoS is the vehicle for the JL movie that needs to happen. We've seen the Avengers together.

And I think the next iteration of Batman can get away with not showing his origin story. Batman is already established.

DarkBlood4239d ago

NEWS: Batman confirms he is done allowing Christian Bale to play him.

lol :P, seriously though i like him as batman but in the universe he is set in theres no otherworldly elements and they just threw the best villians at him so it wouldnt make much sense when you do more standalone movies set in reality as we know it versus being in the justice league where everything is out of his controll


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