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Django Unchained Blu-ray Review - WGTC

Jeremy of We Got This Covered wrote, "Quentin Tarantino’s latest highly-discussed ultra-violet look at slavery and redemption Django Unchained has finally made it to Blu-Ray. Django is easily Tarantino’s best work since the Jackie Brown/Pulp Fiction days, effortlessly blending his unique abilities both as a writer and director. Django is funny, violent, scary and epic all wrapped into one, thanks to Tarantino’s clever script and astoundingly bloody shootouts. Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz and Leonardo DiCaprio all deliver Oscar-worthy performances that’ll have you grasping onto each and every line spoken. Django Unchained is simply the best film of 2012."

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RetrospectRealm4114d ago

I just picked this up the other day. LOVE IT.

aDDicteD4111d ago

definitely will get this on bluray. my 2nd most favorite tarantino movie just behind kill bill.

Sahil4108d ago

I don't think I can see it again, will pass on the blu ray


Ahsoka: Celebrating Five Emmy Nominations!

Join us in celebrating Disney Plus series "Ahsoka" as it garners five Emmy nominations! Discover the categories and what makes this show a standout in the world of fantasy and sci-fi.

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Arthur the King review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "Arthur the King is based off of the true story of a pro adventure racer named Michael Light. Pro adventure racers traverse over four hundred miles on dangerous terrain in a ten-day time-span. For context, an Ironman competition is 140 miles. "

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Top 12 Best Video Game Movie and TV Adaptations of All Time, Ranked

TNS: "Despite years of mindless cash-ins and unimaginative copy-paste borefests, video game adaptations have finally turned a corner! Here are the best of the best."

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