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Watch The New 'Iron Man 3' TV Spot Here

EW Inside Movies:
“My fellow Americans … my soldiers will destroy your country.”

The new 30-second TV spot for Iron Man 3, debuting tomorrow, doesn’t offer any huge new revelations about the threequel, which hits theaters May 3. But, with that ominous warning, it does pull back the curtain a little more on Tony Stark’s latest nemesis, the terrorist mastermind known as the Mandarin (played by Ben Kingsley).

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TheHergulaX4187d ago

Man, they are really letting out a trailer after a trailer for this film, like what is this, the 15th trailer? Either way it looks fantastic.

RetrospectRealm4187d ago

It's not like this isn't normal. I expect at least 5-6 more TV spots.

TheHergulaX4187d ago

True, yet I feel that a film loses much of its surprise elements and overall quality if too many trailers are shown. They give away too much.

RetrospectRealm4187d ago

Like before TDKR came out, it was simple. "Don't watch anything but the first two trailers". Even if you did watch all the TV Spots, trailers, footage, etc. You really weren't spoiled by anything.

TheHergulaX4187d ago

That is true, that is also the reason I was not expecting much before going to see it, so all the twists and turns in the plot came as a surprise, it is more enjoyable watching a film without knowing much about it.

RetrospectRealm4187d ago

I agree. For instance, this wasn't in any TV spots or trailers or anything, but more or so because I was glued to all news on the film. The girl who played Young Talia in TDKR tweeted "I'm playing Young Talia Al Ghul in The Dark Knight Rises!" months before the film was released. I knew what she looked like, so when I saw her in the film, I knew right away that Marion Cotillard was Talia Al Ghul. That was so painful for me because I really wish it would've been a huge surprise for me.

Back when TDK came out, I wasn't into comics AT ALL. I loved Batman, especially the 90s cartoon, but I guess I never saw the Harvey Dent episodes. Therefore, the Dent reveal as Two-Face was so mindblowing to me.

aDDicteD4177d ago

yeah i remembered painful spoilers in TDKR especially the bane and talia twist and when the movie came out more spoilers were unloaded, i hope ironman doesnt suffer for being so much overhyped by trailers and rumors it takes away surprising thrills.

StarWarsFan4186d ago

The videos teasing don't stop for this movie.

aDDicteD4177d ago

im looking forward to see mandarin in this film, i know he is iron mans primary villain and its an expecting move that at this time they should pit him with mandarin.


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