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How X-Men: Days of Future Past Will Change Fox's X-Men Movie Universe

The Since the success of its rebooted X-Men franchise, with X-Men: First Class, 20th Century Fox has been working hard to create a unified and cohesive X-Men movie universe, taking into consideration what happen in the original X-Men trilogy. Hiring former Marvel writer Mark Millar as their Marvel consultant was a great start since Millar has familiarity with Marvel having written comics for X-Men—and Fox's Fantastic Four franchise too.

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hazelamy4150d ago

it'd be great if they could come to some deal over joining the X-Men cinematic universe with the Avengers one.

TheDailySuperHero4150d ago

Unfortunately, Disney has already said they will not actively pursue Spider-Man, X-Men or Fantastic Four movie rights unless those franchises default back to Marvel per agreements with those other studios.

Deku-Johnny4150d ago

Well they tried to have a deal with Sony to have the Oscorp building feature in the Avengers but it was too late by the time the deal was ready. I know they aren't actively trying to get the rights back but I imagine they'll strike up deals in the future so they can have crossover films like the rumours going around about World War Hulk coming to the silver screen.

calis4150d ago

And with superhero movies being "in", it's not going to happen any time soon.

hazelamy4147d ago

i know it's unlikely, but a girl can dream can't she? ^_^

once upon a time, an Avengers movie seemed like an impossible dream.

whatever happens, i'll be in line to buy tickets to all the movies, day one, whether they share a universe or not.

kingPoS4150d ago (Edited 4150d ago )

I'd like to see the X-men Evolution universe expanded on.
After all that were X-23 made her debut. That and a lot my favorite guys ended up as fodder. >_>


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wow. that looks just like my pinball-torture basement!


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