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Roger Ebert Names 'Argo' As The Best Movie Of 2012

The Playlist:
While there have been many, many 2012 lists and recaps, the year isn't over until Roger Ebert weighs in with his favorites, and today he's done so, dropping his list of the best movies he saw in 2012. And as usual, it's a mix of more popular choices, with some love shown to smaller, foreign films that might not get the shine otherwise.

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alycakes4228d ago

I'm still not sure that I would call it the number one but it certainally deserves a lot of recognition. It was well written and directed. When I saw it...I felt the stress almost like I was there with them worried that they may not make it. When you get lost in the story like really makes for a better movie watching experience.

OneAboveAll4228d ago

Not listening to a guy who look's like he got hit in the face by a bus.

spicelicka4225d ago

Great movie but nooo way is it the best movie of 2012, way too many amazingg movies out there. It was perfectly made i'll give it that, but the ambition of movies like life of pi, looper, etc is where the recognition should be.


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