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Joss Whedon Says His Avengers Script Originally Included The Wasp

Coming soon

The Directors Guild of America in Hollywood was host tonight to a special screening of Marvel's The Avengers with writer/director Joss Whedon in attendance. During a post-screening Q&A, Whedon spoke at length about the comic book ensemble, revealing which characters didn't make the final cut and hinting at what changes fans can expect in the 2015 sequel.

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Crazay4295d ago

I'm glad they didn't include the Wasp. To me, I think that if they were to add Ant-Man and The Wasp to the mix then it becomes crowded. Don't get me wrong. I loved The Avengers but there were times where it felt like it was getting a shade crowded with all the relationships needing to be fleshed out in some way.

Simon_Brezhnev4294d ago

I hope she not in the sequel. She does nothing but get small and annoy people.

Kingdom Come4294d ago

You obviously haven't read "The Ultimates"/"The Ultimates 2".

Deku-Johnny4295d ago

I'm glad he didn't included The Wasp. I'd love to see more Avengers join the team in the future but the first team up movie needed to be the original team. And they need to introduce Ant-Man before Wasp as her character doesn't make much sense or matter all that much without him being established first. I'm pretty sure she'll be in the Ant-Man film which unfortunately comes out after Avengers 2 so I'm guessing Avengers 2 is the Avengers teaming up with the Guardians.

Baka-akaB4294d ago

Er you do realise that Black Widow and Hawkeye , not only arent part of the original team , but that Ant man and the Wasp actually are ?

Deku-Johnny4293d ago

You're assuming the film was based on Earth-616. From the inclusion of the Chitauri we can come to the conclusion that it is not. Ant-Man and Wasp are not original team members in all established Earths, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is it's own Earth (Earth-199999) and can therefore create it's own history that's a given but we have to assume that the films are based on certain Earths. I don't think it's ever been stated which Earth the film is based on but there is an origins that features Black Widow and Hawkeye that fits closer in line with Earth-199999, or the MCU that is not 616. I will try to find out which particular Earth number that is for you when I have more time on my hands. Thank you for your time.

Baka-akaB4293d ago

No offense but sounds like a cop out and not what you were saying originally .

Still yeah the marvel movie shared universe is not earth 616

Soldierone4295d ago

I'm interested in why none of this was really hinted at still. They do a great job of cross promoting the universe, but with Avengers you kinda felt it was only these heroes doing it. Why not have special quick appearances in the background etc...

They don't need to be key appearances, just simple "see the heroes are all here" idea. I think the whole Spidey tower being in it was a fantastic way to do that.

SilentNegotiator4294d ago

It could have used more female roles, but adding her would mean you'd pretty much have to have Ant-Man, so....I guess it wouldn't have made a world of difference.

aDDicteD4294d ago

include ant man and the wasp in the avengers sequel. it will be too crowded if everything is in the first movie. they did a smart move.

alycakes4294d ago

I think so too. I think the first one was just right as far as character count. There was just enough.


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