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The Most Influential Video Game Movies

The beauty of making film adaptations of video games is that they already have a built in audience. Much like adapting a Michael Crichton or John Grisham book for the big screen, as was all the rage in the 90’s, you have a solid fan base of people already familiar with the source material who will more than likely shell out another 10 bucks to see how the book looks on the big screen. There are not a lot of video game adaptations out there, compared with the average number of book to film adaptations that come out every year, but more and more games are becoming films as time goes on. Five of which should be recognized as having helped pave the way toward a brighter future for video game adaptations.

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ReconHope4204d ago

i wonder how many people played lara croft that watched the movie first.

aDDicteD4199d ago

mortal kombat was the first to start it off it was very loyal to the video game storyline and that what makes a videogame movie successful it has to be made the way it was loved by its target market viewers and gameplayers.


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