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Presenting Disney’s Star Wars, Five Reasons To Be Excited

Tech Corner Says:
Since the announcement of this incredibly surprising acquisition, there’s no doubt you’ve been privy to a proverbial onslaught of opinions courtesy of the internet. Fan boys and girls the world over will be debating whether or not Disney will handle the franchise with their best interests in mind, all the way up until the midnight release. While I have my reservations on both sides, I do ultimately think that this is great news for fans.

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Soldierone4283d ago

They are already putting Star Wars in their tv shows.....the one show I absolutely cannot stand, Ant Farm, is touting

DarkFireHawk4283d ago

Well my dear, that is the good parts. I fear we might see another galactic dance off but this time with the Emperor and Micky doing solos! and Vadar slowly clapping in the background with Goofie maing of his famouse laughs . . . OH THE HORROR!! Now that is a really scary Halloween story!

cee7734283d ago

Do Disney own the android name as well?

Soldierone4283d ago

It's owned by Lucas so I would assume so.

However Google pretty much owns the license to it.

QuodEratDemonstrandm4283d ago

No. Not Android.

Droid is a Lucasfilm trademark.

I found that out when I got my new phone.

cee7734283d ago (Edited 4283d ago )

so now Disney and Google are partners?
Do Disney now receive royalties from Google?

level 3604283d ago

Ruining the franchise still remains to be seen.. have to say though both Disney and Lucas Films have the same sort of belief structure in terms of storytelling.

ReconHope4283d ago

Still on the fence on what is going to happen to star wars.

bigrob9044283d ago

i think it's good i mean when Disney buys something they use it. to this day i still am unsure of why people hate the prequel trilogy other then jar jar it was fine, and he was only really in the first movie anyhow.

Lord_Sloth4283d ago

The childish nature in the face of people getting cut in half, beheaded, mutilated, and burned alive. See R2 D2's fight scene at the start of 3. 2 was kinda cheesy as well.

I enjoyed the new trilogy but it certainly had it's share of glaring flaws.


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