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Geekenstein Review: Arrow “Pilot”

"I’m not familiar with Green Arrow beyond what I’ve read in various comics not staring him and Justice League Unlimited. When it was announced that the CW would be developing a Green Arrow television show, it was safe to say I was skeptical. I’m not a fan of Smallville and I didn’t understand how they could really pull off a live action superhero show, regardless of what The Avengers did. We are constantly surrounded by incredibly high quality superhero media, so how could Arrow possibly make a dent in that?" - David Rhinehart of

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SilentNegotiator4302d ago

Doing Green Arrow in this style makes a billion times more sense than Superman.

Simon_Brezhnev4302d ago

Yeah so far i pretty much like it. I hope it doesnt goes soft. The ending did surprise me though.


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