The scenario may be familiar to anyone who loves the genre, but thankfully writer/director Scott Derrickson executes the familiar beats well. The movie is nothing special, but it works and after an August packed with absolutely insipid horror fair like The Possession and The Apparition, functional horror sounds pretty good right about now. The acting is decent, the set up creepy, the scares plentiful, and the pay off effective. It doesn’t revel unnecessarily in goopy gore and the filmmakers actually attempt to tell a story. Sure, there aren’t many surprises (especially if you’ve seen the poster which gives away the ending), but at least there’s one perfectly watchable Hollywood horror movie slipping into theaters in time for Halloween.
Check out the list of some of the Korean Movies Releasing in January 2025 that are set to captivate audiences and take complete control.
TBS: “Before the Harry Potter franchise brought magic to the big screen, Se7en and Fight Club director David Fincher considered the project.”
Missing You Review: This series has all the dynamics required to make it a good mystery drama: good actors, good story content, and good referencing from a best-selling author. However, it fails to do so due to poor narrative direction, which relies on an absence of direction, underdeveloped characters, and a characteristically poor representation of warmth on the parts.