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Hit and Run Review | Clickonline

Clickonline writes: "Hit and Run isn’t clever, funny or entertaining – unless waffly conversations, idiotic characters and slow motion slaloming cars are your thing. If so, you are welcome to it."

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Netflix's Hit and Run Review | Leisurebyte

Hit and Run Review: Fauda show creators have made another thriller in which a man tries to find his wife killers. We wish the series were a movie instead.

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Craig’s Top 10 Movies of 2012

"If movies were amusement park rides, some people are content riding the merry-go-round or the bumper cars. I ride the roller coasters. I wants to take sharp turns and flip upside down at ludicrous speeds. That’s what I get out of my favorite movies. I want to laugh my ass off or escape reality amongst bullets and explosions. I want to go on an adventure when I recline in my seat while eating my pop corn and drinking my Cherry Coke. 2012 was a fantastic year for movie goers, especially for those who love comedies, action/adventure, and super heroes. I attended a ton of movies this year, but ten really stood out in my mind as not only an enjoyable thrill ride of a theater experience, but also fantastic additions to anyone’s home theater library." - Craig Kandiko of

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Hit & Run Review - MMGN

MMGN: As a low budget action-comedy with traces of romance there’s plenty to take fault with, but Hit & Run is an enjoyable watch if you’re a fan of any of the cast or a good old fashion “cross country chase now and ask questions never” kind of movie. Oh, and not completely detest to naked old people. Best steer clear if that’s a deal-breaker.

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