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The Daily Rotation - 3,2,1... Frankie Go Boom Review

Colton of The Daily Rotation wrote, "Last night at the 2012 Milwaukee Film Festival, I was in attendance for the Milwaukee premiere of 3,2,1… Frankie Go Boom starring Charlie Hunnam, Lizzy Caplan, and Chris O’Dowd. Relying on familiar faces to carry the rather weak and unfocused script to the screen, the film ended up lacking the laughs and the character development that it so desperately needed."

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The Blu-ray Breakdown: May 14, 2013

Nicholas of Movies Hate You Too writes:

One day I’ll figure out why studios persist on overloading one week with so many big releases that most people can’t afford to pick up every movie that they might want and then in other weeks barely release anything. Perhaps there’s a method to their madness that I’m just not aware of. This week only has three major new releases; one of 2012’s most bizarre films featuring an all-star cast in multiple roles, the return to a deadly massacre in the heart of Texas and another season of America’s favorite blood spatter pattern analyst/serial killer. Catalog releases mostly include a large assortment of Sony releases all remastered for 4K displays… not exactly something that will appeal to the masses.

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aDDicteD4090d ago

i dont think ill get the 2013 texas chainsaw massacre movie. i already have a 2003 version and that was way more superior than this one.