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The Daily Rotation - Celeste and Jesse Forever Review

Colton of The Daily Rotation wrote, "When you think of the romantic comedy genre, you may cringe when you are reminded of the clichéd formulaic films that have been brought onto us over the years. Once in a great while however, a film comes along that attempts and successfully achieves to stand out from the crowd. There is one film that premiered earlier this year at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival that dared to just that. The recent romantic comedy/drama, Celeste and Jesse Forever proves that there is hope for the genre if it ever wants to get out of its slump."

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The Blu-ray Breakdown: February 5, 2013

Nicholas of Movies Hate You Too writes:

Last week was a slow week for Blu-ray releases and that trend continues this week. On the new release front we have Denzel flying while intoxicated, Medea searching for a serial killer, and Kevin James’ career taking a MMA style beating. The catalog titles aren’t much better; we head back to Neverland for it’s 60th anniversary, there are some vintage musicals, and two double packs that are only slightly related.

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alycakes4189d ago

I went and got my copies of Flight and Alex Cross today so I'll have to watch those since I missed seeing them too. I can't believe I've missed so many but this year has been very different.


Celeste and Jesse Forever Review | Clickonline

Clickonline writes: "Celeste and Jesse Forever is certainly not a reinvention of the rom com but it does enough to set it apart from the that increasingly crowded genre, without going the obvious route into farcical comedy. Add in a long overdue star making turn from Jones and you’ve got a fun little indie that’s well worth checking out."

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ScreenCrave - Celeste and Jesse Forever Review

ScreenCrave - The Sundance Film Festival is full of emotional relationship dramadies, but so many of them feel like writers and directors working out their emotional issues from their own relationships. By using their movies as a cathartic opportunity to whine about their breakups, they miss the chance to connect with audiences and speak to the human condition and shared experiences. But that is not the case with Lee Toland Krieger’s Celeste and Jesse Forever. The film, which stars The Office‘s Rashida Jones and SNL’s Andy Samberg, is not about the pain of ending a long, substantial relationship, but about the way we’re forced to move on and grow as a result.

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