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Why Kylo Ren is Star Wars' Most Terrifying Villain

From Cinelinx:

The Force Awakens’ new villain, Kylo Ren, has been intriguing fans since our first glimpse over a year ago in the teaser trailer. Now that we've seen him in action, it's clear he's a terrifying menace unlike any we've seen in the Saga so far.

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darklordzor3373d ago

His portrayal is still one of my favorite parts of the movie. I hope there's a book or SOMETHING that comes out about his early years. Would love to read more about it.

uncharted563373d ago

They are making prequel for him that comes out next year I thought

Benchm4rk3372d ago

I must be the only person who didn't like him 😐

waltyftm3372d ago

Nope, me too, bit of a nob imo.

ritchi453372d ago

I didn't like him either. Didn't give the same Sith-vibe Darth Maul gave, who is the most badass villain in Star Wars imo

Scrivlar3372d ago

That was what I loved about him haha, He wasn't a one dimensional bad guy sith. He started out that way until he took off his mask and you see a scared, confused young man with power he couldn't control and is being manipulated by Snoke, I feel bad for him and he makes me want the good guys to redeem him. Basically exaclty how I wish it went with Anakin in the prequels. Bloody loved it!

My_Outer_Heaven3372d ago (Edited 3372d ago )

That's because he's still not fully trained... he's not a full blown Sith yet... hes a rogue Jedi being torn by both sides of the force and about to be trained by Snoke to become a Sith.

FlameBaitGod3372d ago (Edited 3372d ago )

Lil spoiler I think.....

When he took off the mask I was like....what..., his hair looked like it had been blow dried and looked like a sophisticated poem writer lol. His suppose to look bad ass :/, me and my friends laugh when he tried being serious xD.

Scrivlar3371d ago

Hmm...Again that's kind of the point isn't it? We're expecting this scary villain but when the mask comes off it's just a handsome young man and we're meant to be like "oh Shit that's Han and leias son" we almost care about him through them and suddenly the story isn't straight forward good vs evil anymore. The twist is that even though he's trying to be the bad guy he's actually just a tragic victim of snoke the same way Anakin was a victim of Palpatine. Now I'm really hoping they can save him and he can help them beat snoke.

masso91123372d ago

Mark my words, he will end up being the main character by the end of this trilogy

Griever3372d ago

He seemed to be really cool and powerful until he got beaten by a janitor and a girl wielding a lightsaber for the first time in their life. How can he after all his years of training at the hands of Luke and Snooke get beaten like that?? That fight should have been over in a few second and he should have made a mockery of them. That was really stupid and they made him look VERY weak. What happened to the Kylo who stopped blaster ray in mid-air and pulled people by their neck with the force?? Moreover, how did Finn and Rey did not manage to chop their own limbs while swinging a lightsaber like a bamboo stick or baseball bat!?

JustInTlME3372d ago

Well he did get shot by Chewbacca....and if you had been paying attention to the whole movie every time Chewies gun hit someone they flew back 10-20 feet....Kylo took it like a champ and just stood there. I think that affected him for sure, and then you take into account Rey being Luke's daughter (she is....we don't need to discuss this) and in my opinion has been trained and was force blocked, it's not that far fetched.

Kylo played unhinged perfectly. Exactly what Anakin should have been in the prequels.

loQon3372d ago

Agree so much with this entire comment

Stringerbell3371d ago

It amazes me that people are even having trouble with this. Two rules of Star Wars that will never change.

1) The light side of the force will ALWAYS prevail. Good always beats evil.

2) It does not matter who you are Man, woman, wookie, or even an Ewok - if you are stronger in the force than your opponent, you will beat them.

'Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.'

TXIDarkAvenger3368d ago

I really hope she isn't. Really don't want a "I am your Father" scene with Luke and Rey.

Benchm4rk3371d ago

In Reys defense she was pretty handy with her staff so I would imagine that skill would translate over well to her wielding a lightsaber.

Kakashi Hatake3372d ago (Edited 3372d ago )

(SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS) :Hope they're not serious. He was a very weak villain. He gets defeated by Rey who just picked up a lightsaber for the first time. Plus his Aura was completely gone after he casually took his mask off and he looked like an underling. Couldn't take him seriously when he put the mask back on. (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS)

My_Outer_Heaven3372d ago (Edited 3372d ago )

I wouldn't call it defeated just yet.. they are both powerful, Rey just doesn't know how powerful she is and neither does Kylo for that matter.

Rey is getting very powerful with the light side of the force unusually quick with no training. How?

Probably because her powers have awoken very fast because she could already knew how to do those things but forgot how to after her memory was altered. She knows a lot about the force and how to use it.

Surely Kylo Ren would have a hard time against another Skywalker even if she's still getting used to her power.

Kylo uses the force stronger at first and hes not a full blown Sith lord yet. He uses the force for bad things but we haven't seen him use any typical Sith powers yet such as force lightening, if anything Kylo is a rogue Jedi who's yet to receive dark side training from Snoke.

Kylo commits patricide which is very dark and brings him closer to the dark side, which gives Snoke more reason to train him but one could argue that Anakin was just as dark as Kylo after not just killing children but to also try to kill Obiwan whom was like a brother to him.

Kylo is a great complicated villain just like Vader.

Kylo must have done something really bad for Luke to exile himself like Yoda did, to exile himself so far away that he's practically has no idea what's happening in the galaxy because he's too far away to sense or hear what's going on.

I have a theory that Kylo probably killed all the other Jedi being trained by Luke but not just the young Jedi but also Lukes wife and possibly Rey's mother.

Rey's family aren't coming for her on Jakku because her mother is most likely dead at the hands of Kylo. Luke won't come back to Jakku to find Rey because he sent her to Jakku to protect her identity.

Rey is probably the daughter Luke Skywalker that was sent away and had her memory altered to protect her from Kylo Ren and Snoke.

Why would Kylo get so angry when he hears of this young female accomplice that helped steal the Millennium Falcon. Kylo probably knows who Rey is or at least has an idea of who she might be.

Kylo idolises his grandfather Darth Vader and truly believes that Anakins lightsaber belongs to him and yet it flew towards Rey instead when she force pulled it towards her.

All the Star Wars trilogy's are about the Skywalker bloodline, Rey is most likely Skywalker.. Star Wars is like a poem that tends to repeat itself and even though Kylo is also technically a Skywalker because of Leia who has the force but not as strong as Luke. Rey was most likely born by a much stronger Jedi aka Luke Skywalker who the most powerful living Jedi at the moment.

Why did Kylo lose to Rey because Rey is much stronger than Kylo in terms of light side of the force even though she doesn't know it.

corroios3372d ago (Edited 3372d ago )

Lol, a villain that cant handle a litle girl with no experience with the force or fighting with a lightsaber... Yeah right.

I think this was one of the weakest point of this remake.

Darth Vader would just snap is fingers and destroy him...

uncharted563372d ago

I do hope they build back him up next film as more threatening and menacing. But you cant deny he is already a more complex character

dota2champion3372d ago

Kylo Ren reminds me of a Naruto villain

joeorc3372d ago (Edited 3372d ago )

While Kylo Ren is a nifty soon to be full trained Sith, he is far from the most dangerous or deadly, or for that matter terrifying.

The most deadly & far more terrifying of villains of star wars is

Exar Kun
Just a snippet about Kun's weapon.

"At full power, the lightsaber resisted the blades of others and cleaved through virtually anything else with which it came into contact, including weapons empowered by the Force."

Picture Darth maul's but bright ..bright blue plasma crackling with darkforce lightning.

As a dark force ghost he put Luke into a freaking coma, and it took the entire Jedi academy including Luke to stop his ghost. While alive in combat no other Jedi 1 on one was able to beat him.

darkvenom3372d ago

In my opinion Darth Bane was the most powerful sithlord, he destroyed the brotherhood of darkness.

joeorc3371d ago (Edited 3371d ago )

@darkvenom + 1h ago
In my opinion Darth Bane was the most powerful sithlord, he destroyed the brotherhood of darkness.

While, bane was very core to the instrument in rebirth of the sith being reborne..I would still put Exar Kun above Bane, due to what Kun was able to do. The entire Jedi masters from multiple temples across the Galaxy's set the entirety of the Jedi the largest assembled to stop Kun at his sith home temple and the jedi even had to retreat.

He also went into the Jedi temple and stole the most powerful sith Holo. Cube.
A sith artifact and the Jedi @ the temple could not stop him.

Bane & kun both had light sabre disruption armor of sith design. But kun also was a master of sith sorcery, and alchemy. Top it off his mastery in sabre combats & force powers lightning he absorbed his sith lord masters essences & force powers like a vampire make him excessively dangerous. No telling what he could do to bane. Force essences absorption would be pretty potent to face.

ShadowWolf7123371d ago

Gonna have to say no.

He has potential, but he's no Vader. Vader's mere presence was imposing as all heck.

TXIDarkAvenger3368d ago (Edited 3368d ago )


He was by far the least menacing villain. One reason is because he still had some good in him so he was weak and when he removes his mask, he doesn't look so menacing.

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