From Cinelinx:
The Force Awakens’ new villain, Kylo Ren, has been intriguing fans since our first glimpse over a year ago in the teaser trailer. Now that we've seen him in action, it's clear he's a terrifying menace unlike any we've seen in the Saga so far.
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His portrayal is still one of my favorite parts of the movie. I hope there's a book or SOMETHING that comes out about his early years. Would love to read more about it.
I must be the only person who didn't like him 😐
Mark my words, he will end up being the main character by the end of this trilogy
He seemed to be really cool and powerful until he got beaten by a janitor and a girl wielding a lightsaber for the first time in their life. How can he after all his years of training at the hands of Luke and Snooke get beaten like that?? That fight should have been over in a few second and he should have made a mockery of them. That was really stupid and they made him look VERY weak. What happened to the Kylo who stopped blaster ray in mid-air and pulled people by their neck with the force?? Moreover, how did Finn and Rey did not manage to chop their own limbs while swinging a lightsaber like a bamboo stick or baseball bat!?
(SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS) :Hope they're not serious. He was a very weak villain. He gets defeated by Rey who just picked up a lightsaber for the first time. Plus his Aura was completely gone after he casually took his mask off and he looked like an underling. Couldn't take him seriously when he put the mask back on. (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS)
Kylo Ren is a wimp
Lol, a villain that cant handle a litle girl with no experience with the force or fighting with a lightsaber... Yeah right.
I think this was one of the weakest point of this remake.
Darth Vader would just snap is fingers and destroy him...
Kylo Ren reminds me of a Naruto villain
While Kylo Ren is a nifty soon to be full trained Sith, he is far from the most dangerous or deadly, or for that matter terrifying.
The most deadly & far more terrifying of villains of star wars is
Exar Kun
Just a snippet about Kun's weapon.
"At full power, the lightsaber resisted the blades of others and cleaved through virtually anything else with which it came into contact, including weapons empowered by the Force."
Picture Darth maul's but bright ..bright blue plasma crackling with darkforce lightning.
As a dark force ghost he put Luke into a freaking coma, and it took the entire Jedi academy including Luke to stop his ghost. While alive in combat no other Jedi 1 on one was able to beat him.
Gonna have to say no.
He has potential, but he's no Vader. Vader's mere presence was imposing as all heck.
He was by far the least menacing villain. One reason is because he still had some good in him so he was weak and when he removes his mask, he doesn't look so menacing.