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8 Ways Jared Leto's Joker Is Already The Worst Version Of The Character


Another week, another example of why the ongoing DC shared universe is woefully misguided. At least this time they’ve mixed things up by throwing doubt on a movie that up until now looked like it could actually be good (which is equally surprising and disappointing).

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darklordzor3611d ago

Yep, rather than wait and see how it all plays out on screen and the story behind everything, I'm going to blindly make a list of reasons why it's the worst version of something.

Crazay3611d ago

This echoes Heath Ledgers casting announcement. It was an absolute shitshow full of garbage posts about Brokeback batman. The gay joker. etc. I think this is going to work out just fine in the end.

Porcelain_Chicken3610d ago

People are way too quick to judge nowadays. Fans are too entitled and the media are clueless. Say what you want about this Joker's looks but Leto is gonna knock it out of the park performance-wise. I can guarantee it! And that is what matters most.

It wasn't screenshots or make-up that got Nicholson and Ledger so much fan praise from and critics alike. It was their performance.

RetrospectRealm3610d ago

Not gonna lie, saying he'll "knock it out of the park" and that he'll "bomb" are about the same. We know nothing but what he looks like in that photo.

Porcelain_Chicken3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

^^^ Very true lol. I can see where you're going with it but.. I'm basing it on the fact that Leto is a great actor. Who can disappear entirely into one of his roles and would go the extra mile to look and act like a character, much like he did in Chapter 27 or Dallas Buyers Club. Saying it'll bomb because you don't like one screenshot of him or his costume doesn't exactly hold nearly as much weight.

But yes I agree, he can actually turn in a bad performance.

thorstein3610d ago

Not just make a list, but expect people to click 324 times just to read 1 page worth of content.

Voting WC down, AGain...

ironfist923610d ago

Thats the level of effort youd expect from WC and the people who submit them

NecotheSergal3610d ago

There's a reason 'Whatculture' is on my blocklist. People should vote against whatcultures' articles since they're typically complete garbage. Their ratings are questionable as is and for good reason.

They either make clickbait articles or copypasta Top10/20 lists that no one cares about and no one clicks.

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ajax173610d ago

I'm most curious about how he'll do the voice.

Stringerbell3610d ago

Another compelling article from the scholarly website that is whatculture.

gangsta_red3610d ago

Amazing, people crapped on Michael Keaton when he was announced as Batman, people crapped on Heath Ledger saying there's no way he could top Jack Nicholson's Joker...

Jared Leto is a superb actor and he knows just how much is riding on playing a Joker after two previous fantastic actors. No doubt he will take the Joker and make it his own.

acemonkey3610d ago

im not going to click on slideshow. but yes this joker looks wtf. cool new age of joker "modern times" we will see him play as joker in the film and im sure in the solo batman movie. see how he acts and if the tats and the teeth and everything else gets me side tracked (just turn off from the movie)

and yes people do have a right to flip out when their beloved character gets cast by an actor, these characters are 75yrs old people would like to see them do right by the character.

Chapter113610d ago

"#9: He's worse than Hitler lololololololol"

level 3603610d ago

Aren't there anymore baddies in the DC world except the Joker?

Hayabusa 1173610d ago

Well there's Suicide Squad...

ironfist923610d ago

Lex Luther, Zod, Darkseid, Metallo, Brainiac, Reverse Flash, Deathstroke, Hades, Sinestro, Black Adam, take your pick

Porcelain_Chicken3610d ago

Yeah, there's like 10 of them in the Suicide Squad movie this Joker is set to appear in. Including but not limited to..,

Hugo Strange
Killer Croc
Captain Bommerang
Harley Quinn
Rick Flag
Amanda Waller
El Diablo etc.

listenkids3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

The look is off (though the tattoos may just be promotional only), but let's be honest, he is the finest actor to ever take up the role. I'm sure he'll do well.

MasterD9193610d ago

Everyone keeps commenting on the tattoos...but the screen capture of him being filmed in character didn't include these tats at all. Did anyone consider that the photo may have just been similar to a movie poster to get people excited for the film? It's a promo pic.

hkgamer3610d ago

i think it was said that the tattoos were a celebration of joker. think it was some kinda anniversary or something.

CJQNSNYC3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

The worst version eh?

Have you SEEN the FILM yet?

Not even a single frame?

But, you have 8 reasons/ways why he is terrible?

Journalism at it's finest!

Writing a review on a character's performance and a film based completely on what?

A single picture.

I'll bet you were the smartest in your journalism class weren't you?


c316473609d ago

I think its really the picture that puts people off. He does not feel like the psychopath joker we are used to now in the other films. So we just have to wait see.

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