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Dylan Dog: Dead of Night (2011) - Popzara Review

A horror comedy that's cliché and predictable, with a lack of coherency and cheap monster effects that are blurred by shadows and choppy editing. Full review by Chris Pandolfi.

darklordzor4739d ago

So sad that this movie sucks. I mean the trailers and everything made it seem real cheesy before, but sometimes that works for a film. These reviews are all bad though, so I'm probably going to be staying away.

Armadilo4738d ago

Their could of been hope for this yet their was none for this

fury434734d ago

I'll probably wait for the dvd on this one too.


Worst Movie of 2011

MediaStinger: "2011 was another good example of Hollywood’s recent trend of upping the quantity of films at the expense of quality. That’s also indicated here by our dirty dozen of nominees for the dubious title of Worst Movie of 2011 and the sizable list of dishonorable mentions."

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iceman29294476d ago

I did not see a single one of those movies. thank god.


( Dylan Dog: Dead of Night Review

Dr Chris "Based on a very popular European indie comic, Dylan Dog: Dead of Night follows the adventures of private investigator Dylan Dog who works with monsters and other things that go bump in the night. However, after a pretty bad fallout with the vampire clan of the city as the result of the loss of a loved one, Dylan decided to just handle normal investigative cases like cheating spouses and insurance scams. But when a young woman’s father is murdered by a werewolf, and it leads to a secret that is being hunted by both werewolf and vampires, and several other supernatural monsters, Dylan is forced back into helping these creatures. He is also helping his new partner Marcus, who is killed in battle and resurrected as a zombie against his will and must learn to cope with his new undead existence."

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darklordzor4738d ago

Poor Brandon Routh, I was hoping he'd find another film that he could really shine in. I guess Scott Pilgrim will have to remain his best performance for a while.

alycakes4737d ago

My daughter and her boyfriend went to see it and they said that if you just want to see something fun with friends that will make you's a good movie. She said they had fun watching it because it was stupid and funny.


Player Affinity | Dylan Dog: Dead Of Night Review

Player Affinity writes: "How "Dylan Dog" didn't wind up A) going direct to video or B) airing on the Syfy Channel, is absolutely mind-blowing. It's so utterly and mind-bogglingly inept at entertaining its audience, raising excitement during any of its so-called "action" scenes, or just having a single ounce of quality at all."

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artsaber4739d ago

Or is Dylan Dog a Buffy the Vampire Slayer for men?

Megaton4739d ago

Friend was telling me he saw this the other night. He liked it, but he does like bad horror movies more than most.

alycakes4738d ago

Give us a break...Buffy the Vampire Slayer rocked! This is just a pass by night movie. Don't insult the Queen of all who kills all bad things and saves the world I don't know how many times and comes back from being dead 3 times.

alycakes4737d ago

My daughter went to see this over the weekend. She said that for a stupid, poorly made film...she loved it...mostly because it made her laugh a lot. She said it wasn't so bad. It's all in ones choice I guess.