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We Got This Covered | 'Dangerous Men' Review

We Got This Covered

Emotionless reaction shots, zero characterization, guns that have absolutely no special effects when blasted – Dangerous Men is rare winning dish from a one star restaurant. It’s to be watched for the right reasons, most of which should involve dangerous levels of inebriation and a passion for Z-Grade absurdity. You’ve been warned – and also encouraged.

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Dangerous Men Review - AVClub

AVClub: Judging a movie like Dangerous Men according to any sort of conventional critical metric is frustrating, if not impossible. Slapping it with the cynical label of “so bad it’s good” does a disservice to the earnest multi-decade effort involved in completing the film, as well as the enthusiasm it inspires in fans like the true believers at distributor Drafthouse Films. (According to Drafthouse, Dangerous Men made $70 during its original theatrical run on a single screen in Santa Monica, but rather like The Velvet Underground, everyone who saw it was converted.) Besides, how can a movie as diverting as this one really be “bad”?
