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Dark Knights: The Never-Ending Debate of Keaton vs. Bale

Most young Batman fans only know of the trilogy directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Christian Bale as the caped crusader. However, before Heath Ledger terrorized viewers worldwide with his performance as the Joker, Michael Keaton wore the cape and cowl in the late 80s and early 90s to take on bad guys such as Jack Nicholson’s Joker and Danny DeVito’s Penguin in two original movies directed eccentric director Tim Burton.

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saadd203632d ago

Please stop calling this article old without reading it, it is still very relevant to today..just a comparison of Batman actors...and it is only been submitted for the first time here..I had not heard of Filmwatch when it was originally published..please don't fail..its a really well written piece..will not do it justice if it is failed.


Bionic Review: Jessica Córes Starrer is Unique, Stunning and Gritty

Bionic gives sibling rivalry a whole new level in cinema with the dystopian addition that stands as a reflection of our increasingly technology-dependent world.

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Colors of Evil: Red Review: Psychological Thriller is a Tight Watch | Leisurebyte

Colors of Evil: Red Review: is an impactful and disturbing watch that could've opened up its mysteries a bit slower.

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Bionic Ending Explained: What Happens to Maria and Gabi? | Leisurebyte

Bionic Ending Explained: The fate of the two sisters and the bionic illegal trade, what happens to it all is answered here.

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